TURKONFED (Turkish Business Confederation) is a non-governmental business organization, aiming to contribute to the development of regional...
T.C. Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change and Urbanization The Group of Notified Bodies ONKUR
The Group of Notified Bodies (ONKUR) established pursuant to Article 12 of the Communiqué regarding the...
The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), Turkish Cement and Cement Products Council TOBB
Building Materials Manufacturers Federation (YÜF) has been a member of Turkish Cement and Cement Products Council under TOBB since...
Ministry of Industry and Technology of Turkey Soil Products Industry Technical Committee TOPRAK-TEK
It is agreed to set up a Soil Products Industry Committee under the Ministry of Industry and Technology, Turkey, to facilitate cooperation between the public and private sectors...
The Council for Quality and Environment KÇK
The Council for Quality and Environment (CQE) is an economic enterprise founded by the Turkish Cement Manufacturers’ Association (TÇMB) in 1996...